Lope de Vega House - Casa Lope de Vega
Spain's most prolific playwright and poet, Félix Lope de Vega Carpio (1562-1635) spent the last 25 years of his life in this simple, tranquil three-storey house. Oddly enough, the street in which it stands is now named after his arch rival Cervantes (who, confusingly, is buried in a convent on the nearby C/Lope de Vega). The house and charming garden - remarkable survivors from the Golden Age - are the most interesting things to see. The furniture and ornaments, are approximations to Lope de Vega's household inventory rather than being the originals. However, even the garden, where Lope would sit after a day's writing, contains the same fruit trees and plants he detailed in his journals. The house can be visited with guided tours. Some guides speak English; call in advance to check.
Address C/Cervantes 11
Transport Metro Antón Martín .
Telephone 91 429 92 16
Open 9.30am-2pm Tue-Fri; 10am-2pm Sat. Closed Aug.
Admission €2; €1 students, over-65s. Free to all Sat.